Alliance-building and coordination

Collective action is a key pillar for social change, and to achieve justice and equity in our societies, we need to join forces in social movements. In all our work, we promote the building of alliances and coalitions, and with that, a sense of belonging to something greater than each individual person’s or individual group’s own work.

Reaching consensus among diverse groups is always a challenge. Collaboration begins with building bridges and fostering dialogue and exchange. Learning about each other’s experiences, perspectives and aspirations helps build a sufficient level of understanding and trust to be able to build agendas around common interests and carry out collective actions locally, nationally, regionally and internationally, always respecting the autonomy of each organization.

Central American countries have been plagued by authoritarian, corrupt and exclusionary governments and structures for hundreds of years, a political culture which unfortunately is also repeated and reflected in many feminist and progressive organizations as well. In our work with groups and organizations, we promote democratic organizational practices, prioritizing interpersonal and professional relations based on mutual respect, non-discrimination, and the freedom to express diverse and different ideas and opinions and engage in healthy debate.

The idea and practice of building alliances and coordinations is part and parcel of our training and capacity strengthening work. We want to contribute to building a better political culture by helping participants strengthen their activism and leadership with values and behaviors that promote inclusion, equity and respect for the autonomy of individuals, groups and organizations. At the same time, we encourage intergenerational dialogue and dialogue between people with different identities and social conditions, as a way to build alliances and coordinations among different types of groups and communities.

Some examples of our alliance-building and coordination work at the local, national and regional levels

agenda setting

Meetings and gatherings to build bridges and intergenerational dialogue and alliances on common agendas between women’s and LGBTIQ+ movements in Central America.

Young Communicators

After a training process, a network was formed to strengthen ties and promote regional communication with contributions and perspectives from each country to reach the youth population, and to contribute to both DKY Digital and Miradas Moradas digital magazine.

This digital publication is only possible thanks to the coordination among activists from various Central American groups and organizations, as well as specialists in investigative journalism, digital content, illustration, and advocacy. The editorial board, the editors and collaborators are people from different ethnic and generational backgrounds and identities who share a commitment to feminist values and a respect for sexual diversity.

Women’s Network
against Violence

This Nicaraguan network offers support and accompaniment to groups and activists working to prevent gender-based violence. Several Puntos members are co-founders of the network and/or have been part of the leadership at different times


In the communities where we do training work, we encourage and support intersectoral coordination for the accompaniment of victims of violence, as well as to develop self-help and collective support networks.

Coordination with migrant service providers

We coordinate with legal aid and humanitarian services in various Central American countries, Mexico and Spain, which are reflected in the APP MIGRANTES mobile phone app.

International coordinations Puntos is a part of

The Global Narrative Hive: This international body promotes the use of narratives as a tool to generate positive change. It creates community spaces for global movements to work together towards social justice and equality, challenging the idea that expertise is limited to certain regions or entities. The Initiative seeks to catalyze a change in the way knowledge is produced and managed globally.

MenEngage Alliance Network: This space was created in 2003 to contribute to a more egalitarian society with regards to masculinities, gender, social participation and values education. Puntos members have participated in leadership at the regional level and continue to be active participants.

Other coordinations in which we participate

Innovative 21st Century Teachers Network

As part of our program “My school, a safe place,” we promote the exchange of experiences and coordination in this international space to prevent violence in the educational sector.

Citizen Sphere
(Costa Rica)

 A space for organizations who are defending the right of freedom of association.

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To transform everyday life

Join us to build a more just and respectful region, transforming power relations and protecting people’s rights.